ENG 210-29
College Writing II: Research
Fall 2013, TR 3:30-4:45 ( O-111)

Dr. John Beatty
Olney 157

(215) 951-5004
Office Hours: MW 12-1; TR 12:30-2; M 4-5
Home phone (610) 433-5339

Course description:



This course builds on and consolidates writing competencies developed in ENG110 (usage, sentences, paragraphs, and essays) and reading (analysis, research) to prepare you for non-fiction writing likely to be encountered in academic contexts, most immediately upper-division courses.       


To sharpen your abilities to summarize, analyze, and critique readings and arguments;
•           To develop your skill in writing organized, coherent, and fully developed essays, and in recognition of other writers’ organizational strategies;
•           To improve your proficiency in usage, grammar, and sentence and paragraph development, and your editing;
•           To increase your understanding of the research process including the use of library and Internet resources, and of the documentation process (APA);
•           To apply the above in the context of a shared, significant, and controversial topic area (the Internet)



Booth, W. C., Colomb, G.G., & Williams, J. M. (2008). The Craft of Research. 3rd ed. Chicago: U Chicago P. (ISBN: 978-0226065663)

Keith, W. M.,  & Lundberg, C. O. (2008). The Essential Guide to Rhetoric. Boston:Bedford/St. Martin’s. (ISBN 0-312-45195-4)

Several topical readings either as handouts on online.
A college dictionary is recommended.

Also recommended is Bullock, R., & Weinberg, F. (2011). The Little Seagull Handbook. New York: W.W. Norton. (ISBN 0-312-47239)


You will complete one short rhetorical analysis, a research journal compiled throughout the semester, a group source assignment and presentation, and components that will lead to a 10–12 page research paper on a topic related to our shared subject area: the Internet. You will also complete shorter written “homework” assignments such as an analysis of a scientific paper, one in-class writing assignment, and give an oral report on your term paper.

The components for the term paper will include: a topic assignment, a research proposal/initial bibliography, an annotated bibliography, a submitted first draft and an outline of then oral presentation.

Additional items as assigned will be grouped in the “homework” category.

Additional requirements

This is not a lecture course, and I expect you to participate in class. Attendance, alertness, and contribution to discussion affect your participation grade. So do interaction within writing groups, preparation for your conferences, and your oral report. Keep electronic backups of assignments.

Professionalism: Any course in college includes elements of professional behavior. Just as if you were “on the job,” I expect you to attend class. Roll will be taken at each class meeting. For any absence to be excused you must contact me beforehand and provide documentation of your excuse or have a friend do so if you are unable. Given normal extenuating circumstances, you will be allowed four unexcused class absences. Further unexcused absences, or excessive excused absences may lower your final grade.

Assignments missed due to excused absences can be made up, but those missed due to unexcused absences cannot.
Adjustments to this document are to be allowed for, if not expected.

You are responsible for following the University’s and this class’s policies on submission of original work and acknowledgement of direct quotations or paraphrases from others’ writings (see the La Salle University Student Handbook). Plagiarism “consists of passing off the ideas, opinions, facts, words—in short, the intellectual work—of another as your own” (Prentice Hall Handbook for Writers). Plagiarized work may result in a grade of “F” for the paper, or for the course.

Essay 1 (analysis)......................10%
Essay 2 (synthesis) .....................5%
In-class writing, homework..........15%
Group source assignment ............ 5%
Annotated bibliography 1............ 10%
Annotated bibliography 2 .............5%
Essay 2 (term paper)...................30%
Research journal ........................5%
Oral report ..................................5%

Grade assignment: A = 94 and above; A- = 90-93; B+ = 87-89; B = 84-86; B- = 80-83; C+ = 77-79; C = 74-76; C- = 70-73; D+ = 67-69; D = 60-66; F = below 60.

In other words: A = All major and minor goals achieved; B = All major goals achieved, some minor ones not; C = All major goals achieved, many minor ones not; D = A few major goals achieved but not prepared for further advanced work; F = None of the major goals achieved

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