
Web Design and Development

TR 11-12:15 (S 21); H-167

Jan. 16

January 18

Jan. 23

  • Page of the day ("Form follows function") from: Jason We’ll go over any problems you had with the space for your Web sites later on. For now, see if you have a public_html directory on the alpha server. Use Filezilla to see if it’s there. Remember that ftp is a protocol ( If your alpha password is not working, note that on the sign-in sheet.

    Some Internet history and terminology. This material and more is covered in readings: HTML and CSS: Introduction, + pages 487-490. Here are some links that add to the readings. We’ll look at these in class:
    Web history:

    And an old: Internet pie chart and How the Web works, from HowStuffWorks. Usenet became Google Groups (Under Still More). Finally, in relation to top-level domain names, here is a list of the top-level domains including the new ones e.g. .bike and the two-character country codes that show where .io, and .tv come from, among others, and here is the registration site for the .biz TLD

    Compare the old chart to this chart (and article) from Wired magazine in September 2010. The PEW Internet and American life project then did a study that showed it's not that simple (the Web is not "dead."). It includes discussion of the role of mobile apps, which generally are Internet but not Web. And then we need to think about what it means to say Web Design is Dead (from Mashable). Have a read and let's discuss that next class.

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty