
Web Design and Development

MW 1:55 - 3:10 (S 31); H-167

Nov. 26

November 28

Dec. 3

  • JavaScript from and jQuery site from

Today’s topics are image maps, more JavaScript, and animated GIFs. We'll write a five-line JavaScript that outputs the sum of two integers. For JavaScript dropdowns, now feasible in CSS, you could try Dynamic Drive's Anylink dropdown menu. Also is a good place to start.


jQuery is a set of prebuilt JavaScript functions that are called by jQuery() or $() (shorthand). The best place to start is the official site. Here is the Getting Started tutorial at

And here is a simple image map made in Dreamweaver that shows the code behind the three types of hotspots.

Insert this image into a Dreamweaver page and use the Properties Inspsector to create an image map with the three types of hotspots. Then look at these demos I made to show an image map with window scripts; one with a close script added.

    Finally, we’ll build an animated GIF (not a photo) in Photoshop. Think of ways to do one for your final project made with text that could be like this, or use a photo and motion tween, fade, etc., or
    one that's more video-like:

    There's an animated GIF here (Step 7) and also a Google page on fusion tables. Also, this page from Adobe Create uses the timeline (as opposed to frames) to make a GIF.

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty