
Web Design and Development

MW 1:55 - 3:10 (S 31); H-167

Sep. 24

September 26

Oct. 1

First, we need to assign the CSS handcoding. It is due Oct. 17. Take a look back at the CSS links on the Sept. 18 page. Also, you have handout “cheat sheets” on CSS and CSS layout (today) from Keep reading the CSS chapters in HTML & CSS: 11, 12, 13 and add 15 (CSS layout). Here's my evolution of layout Prezi.
And here is the direct link to Brackets.
Then we will look at these models for CSS layout: Next, here is an HTML file. We will add some CSS in class, so that the formatted version looks like this.

Today’s next topics are images and JPEGs in Photoshop. Reading for today is HTML & CSS chapter 5 for images and chapter 16 for images in CSS.
  • And, here are 10 Tips I came up with for use of images on the Web.
To practice we'll optimize this image: fair

And here is Video #4 to get started on the CSS assignment

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty