Tables (Part 1)

Tables are made up of three types of commands: TABLE (to start the table), TR (to start a table row), and TD (to start a table data cell). And remember, what you start you must finish, using the </table> or </tr> or </td> tag.

<table border=1>
A is for apple.</td>
D is for dog.</td>

The code above will result in the following table:

A is for apple. B
C D is for dog.

You can change the look of your cells by adding codes to your <table> and <td> tags. <table cellpadding=10> will give you more room between your text and the sides of the cell. <td valign=top align=center> will make your text aligned vertically with the top of the table cell, and horizontally it will be centered.


Hello. Here is an example. You can see that this cell looks different from the next one.This one is right-aligned and on the bottom.

Here’s a collection of most of the common table tags with examples: More than you need to know about tables.

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