Bootstrap Assignment

Build on your Bootstrap starter page with the jQuery test removed. If you are missing things, correct or retype your code using the handout. I suggest linking to all the active components (Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap theme, Bootstrap JavaScript, Google jQuery), rather than saving and bundling local copies. Also you still need

  • an HTML5 doctype
  • viewport, charset and http-equiv <meta> tags
  • JavaScript shivs for IE 8 or below added using conditional comments; use the links on p.14 or the code here:
  • <!-- conditional comments for old IE 8 and below  --> 
     <!--[if lt IE 9]> 
    <script src=""></script> 
    <script src=""></script>

You will create a responsive grid that looks like this on large displays:


Then uses push and pull classes (p. 44) to make the image jump to the left for medium screens:


Then goes to a stacked layout for small and smaller screens:


Start with Chapter 2 (Grid System) but also check the resources on this week's page, reproduced here:

Bootstrap site, intro (Mindy McAdams), long video, short, and first parts (free) of the Sitepoint course. Two helpful Sitepoint posts on the Bootstrap grid and responsive design.


  • Give the first <div> a class of "container" so it's centered as in the first screen shot.
  • There are three rows here, with two columns (<div>s) in the first row, three columns (<div>s) that use offset (p. 41) in the second row, and one footer column/<div> in the third row.
  • To set up the rows, it's just <div class="row">.
  • Remember that Bootstrap builds on classes, so you will have <div>s with several classes with a space between them (that is essential—space, no commas).
  • You can do this any number of ways—I used only col-md-* classes for the sizes (not the push and pull).
  • The footer needs to span 12 columns of the grid so col-md-12 (or col-sm-12) will do that.
  • When Bootstrap CSS is linked, Dreamweaver or Brackets will auto-suggest all the class names when you are at <div class=" in the HTML.
  • The default for columns when they get small is to stack—they will span the whole width and stack as in the third screen shot.
  • Add the image with <img>. You can style the footer (centered text, bold) and add background color to the <body>with selectors you make.
  • You can experiment with % width for the photo so it is (sort of) responsive or, better, add a class of "img-responsive" to your <img> tag. See demo on USB.
  • Use a greeking (Lorem ipsum) generator such as the one here.
  • The image of College Hall is here.

Post the file(s) online and send me the URL by Wednesday, Nov. 8. If you want to add any CSS add a <style> element to the header, or <link> to your CSS. Don't touch the Bootstrap CSS.

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