ColdFusion 2

Connecting to Your Database


Server-side data

A Web application page is different from a client-side Web page because you can pull data directly from a database, which resides on the server. This means that you can select data and display it, but also that you can insert, delete or update information on the fly from a Web page. The database component for ColdFusion is called the datasource.

To access a database, you need to use:

Database Basics

You have some review material in your handout, and a link to the full manual and this database introduction from Adobe on the Schedule page.

Databases are organized in tables, which are collections of related items. For example, a table might contain the names, street addresses, and phone numbers of individuals. Think of a table as a grid of columns and rows. In this case, one column contains names, a second column contains street addresses, and the third column contains phone numbers. Each row constitutes one data record. In this case, each row is unique because it applies to one individual. Rows are also referred to as records. Columns are referred to as fields. Each table has a field called the primary key that assigns a unique numerical identifier to each record.

You can organize data in multiple tables. This type of data structure is known as a relational database and is the type used for all but the simplest data sets. The field that links the two tables is called the key, or the foreign key. In our case it is the Department ID field (called fldDep_id in the database, staffDir.mdb), the field that is also the primary key in each table.


Understanding Data Sources

As said, the database file that we are using (staffDir.mdb) is referred to by ColdFusion as the datasource in the CFML tags such as <CFQUERY datasource="fred">. You will use the CFAdministrator to add data sources to your ColdFusion Server so that you can connect to the databases from your ColdFusion files. This puts all the information about a ColdFusion Server's database connections in a single, easy-to-manage location.

Be careful that there is not another datasource with the same name as yours, or you might end up connecting to someone else's database.

About Open Database Connectivity

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard interface for connecting to a database from an application. For Windows or Unix/Linux server (in the case of the DArt server), there are drivers for many common database formats such as

To add (bind to) a datasource:

  1. FTP the database (staffDir.mdb) to your folder on the DArt server.
  2. Start the ColdFusion Administrator.
    The Administrator prompts you for a password.
  3. The Administrator password on the DArt server is CFMX-0924.
  4. If you're not in the datasources page, on the left-hand menu go to Data & Services > Datasources.
  5. For the driver type, with ColdFusion MX - select Microsoft Access driver.
  6. Name the data source, for example, CompanyInfo, or Fred.
  7. Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) from the drop-down box to describe the ODBC driver.
  8. Click Add.
  9. In the Database File field, enter the full path of the database. (You can also use the Browse button to locate the file in the server.). Note you will probably have to browse to the file on the DArt server, using your folder: at
  10. Click Create to create the CompanyInfo (Fred) data source. The data source is added to the data source list.
  11. Locate CompanyInfo (Fred) in the data source list.
  12. Select Verify to run the verification test on the data source. If the data source was created, you should see this message: The connection to the data source was verified successfully.
  13. Click Go Back to return to the data sources list.
  14. Logout.


Retrieving Data

You can query databases to retrieve data on the fly. The retrieved data, called the result set, is stored on that page as a query object. When retrieving data from a database, you perform the following tasks:

The CFQUERY tag. Note that tags are not case-sensitive, as with HTML. Uppercase is used mostly for redability, and you'll see that Dreamweaver writes them as lowercase <cfquery>.

The CFQUERY tag is one of the most frequently used CFML tags. You use it in conjunction with the CFOUTPUT tag so that you can retrieve and reference the data returned from a query.

When ColdFusion encounters a CFQUERY tag on a page, it does the following:

The CFQUERY tag syntax

<CFQUERY name="EmpList" datasource="Fred">
   SQL statements here


In this example, the query code tells ColdFusion to:

 Follow these rules when creating a CFQUERY tag:

Writing SQL

In between the begin and end CFQUERY tags, write the SQL that you want the database to execute.

For example, to retrieve data from a database:

Tip You can reference that data set by name using the CFOUTPUT tag later on the page.

Basic SQL syntax elements

The following sections present brief descriptions of the main SQL command elements.


A SQL statement always begins with a SQL verb. The following keywords identify commonly used SQL verbs:




 Retrieves the specified records


 Adds a new row


Changes values in the specified rows


 Removes the specified rows

Statement clauses

Use the following keywords to refine SQL statements:




 Names the data tables for the operation


 Sets one or more conditions for the operation


 Sorts the result set in the specified order


 Groups the result set by the specified select list items


The following basic operators specify conditions and perform logical and numeric functions:




  Both conditions must be met


  At least one condition must be met


 Exclude the condition following


 Matches with a pattern


 Matches with a list of values


 Matches with a range of values


 Equal to


 Not equal to


 Less than


 Greater than


 Less than or equal to


 Greater than or equal to










Building Queries

As discussed, you build queries using the CFQUERY tag and SQL.

To query the table:

  1. Create a new file in Notepad or Dreamweaver

  2. Edit the page so that it appears as follows:
    <title>Employee List</title>
    <h1>Employee List</h1>
    <CFQUERY name="EmpList" datasource="Fred">
       SELECT FirstName,
       FROM Employee;


  3. It's good practice to add the trailing semi-colon, although the Adobe manual doesn't always do that.
  4. Save the page as emplist.cfm in xx430 and FTP it to the Dart server.

  5. Return to your browser and enter the following URL to view empList.cfm: (OR http://localhost:8501/jb430/emplist.cfm if we were doing local emulation)

  6. View the source in the browser.

The ColdFusion Server creates the EmpList data set, but only HTML and text is sent back to the browser so you just see the heading "Employee List." To display the dataset on the page, you must code tags and variables to output the data.

Reviewing the code

The query you just created retrieves data from the StaffDir database. The following table describes the code and its function:



<CFQUERY name="EmpList" datasource="Fred">  

Queries the database specified in the Fred data source

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary, Contract FROM Employee  

Gets information from the FirstName, LastName, Salary, and Contract fields in the Employee table


Ends the CFQUERY


Things to remember

When creating queries to retrieve data, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Outputting Query Data

After you define a query on a page, you can use the CFOUTPUT tag with the query attribute to specify the query object that contains the data you want to output to a page. When you use the query attribute:

The CFOUTPUT tag accepts a variety of optional attributes but, ordinarily, you use the query attribute to define the name of an existing query.

To output query data on your page:

  1. Return to empList.cfm in Dreamweaver or your text editor.

  2. Edit the file so that it appears as follows:

<title>Employee List</title>
<h1>Employee List</h1>

<CFQUERY name="EmpList" datasource="Fred">
   SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary, Contract
   FROM Employee;

<CFOUTPUT query="EmpList">
   #FirstName#, #LastName#, #Salary#, #Contract#<br>


  1. Save the file as emplist.cfm.

  2. View the page in a browser. A list of employees appears in the browser, with each line displaying one row of data.

Reviewing the code

You now display the results of the query on the page. The following table describes the code and its function:

Code   Description
<cfoutput query="EmpList">    Display information retrieved in the EmpList query. Display information for each record in the query, until you run out of records.
#FirstName#, #LastName#, #Salary#, #Contract#    Display the value of the FirstName, LastName, Salary, Contract fields of each record, separated by commas and spaces.
<br />    Insert a line break (go to the next line) after each record.
</cfoutput>    End the cfoutput block.


Query output notes and considerations

When outputting query results, keep the following guidelines in mind: