CSS Lab1 Assignment

Lab1 ( hand in 9/6— e-mail me the files) . You can use class today and next Wednesday to work/ask questions if you need to.

  1. Change all presentational markup ( <em>, colors, etc.) to CSS rather than HTML. Use an embedded ("internal") style sheet. Move any inline styles to that style sheet.
  2. Make the following rules for the h3 and h4 tags: Verdana, italic, background color is #ff0. Font sizes are h3=1rem, h4=.8rem
  3. Turn off the bullets (Zeldman Chapter 9 notes or p. 178) and replace them with this image: firefox using CSS. (Hint: ul {list-style-image: url();} OR ul {list-style-type: none;} and li {background-image: url();}
  4. Use classes as explained to format the paragraph about classes. You will need to add at least one XHTML tag to do that.
  5. Be efficient in combining selectors (grouped selectors), name a generic font-family in each case, and add pseudo-classes for the link.
  6. Include the HTML5 DOCTYPE but make the code conform to XHTML standards.
  7. Follow other instructions written on the page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<body bgcolor="green">

<h1 style="color:#008080; font-family:Arial;">CSS review</h1>

<h2 style="color:#600000; font-family:Arial;">Benefits of style sheets:</h2>


<li style="font-family:courier;">More efficient.</li>
<li style="font-family:courier;">Page loading is quicker.</li>
<li style="font-family:courier;">Presentation is separated from structure. </li>
<li style="font-family:courier;">They are standards-based and can also be used to style XML, etc.</li>

<h2 style="color:#600000; font-family:Arial;">Limitations of CSS:</h2>

<li style="font-family:courier;">There really aren't any.</li>
<li style="font-family:courier;">Browsers can render them differently, so it can be frustrating.
<li style="font-family:courier;">You have to learn a different type of coding that's not a markup language or scripting, exactly. </li>

<h3>Part 2</h3>


<p>By using CSS classes, you can change the display properties within a particular element. For example, display this sentence in Courier font with a green background, but leave the rest of this paragraph with a paragraph style of Arial, black and a background color of light blue. Use a class attribute to create the effect that matches what is being said in this paragraph.</p>

<p>This paragraph is being displayed in italics with a gray background.</p>


<p>Create a link to the La Salle home page with the following attributes:</p>

<li>Georgia font and generic font family</li>
<li>bold text</li>
<li>no text decoration</li>
<li>the color of your choice for a:link, a:visited, a:hover and a:active (make sure hover is noticeable)</li>

<p><a href=http://www.lasalle.edu>La Salle University</a></p>

<p style="color:#006060">Submitted by: <em>Place your name here</em></p>






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