PHP2: Variables, Scope, Forms

  1. - Variables and Built-in Functions

    To write even simple PHP programs it is necessary to understand what variables are and how to put data in them, how to manipulate data using built-in functions , and how to control the flow of execution.

    1. Values are assigned to variables

      We have already seen examples of code like this:

      echo "Hello user!";

      In this fragment the echo function is acting on the string " Hello user! ". This string is known as a value. Here the value is itself directly part of the PHP code itself - in such cases we say the value is ' hard coded '.

      Computer programs would be dull if all values were hard coded. We'd never be able to call users by their names, or do much of anything else interesting. Fortunately we can also use 'variables' to hold values.

      For example, the statement

      $userName = "Fred";

      puts the value represented by the literal string "Fred" into the variable $userName .

      Variables are containers for data. A named variable essentially represents a place in RAM memory where data can be stored. Therefore the assignment statement above stores the value " Fred " in the memory location represented by the name " userName ".

      Once data is stored in a variable it can be recalled, manipulated, echoed to the browser, etc. For example, the results of

      3:$magicNumber = 10;
      4:$magicNumber = $magicNumber + 1;
      5:$userName = "Fred";
      7:echo "Hello $userName, the magic number is now $magicNumber.";

      should be fairly obvious.

      This program would send to the browser "Hello Fred, the magic number is now 11."

    2. How is a variable named?

      A properly named variable in PHP must conform to the rules... It is preceded by a dollar sign ($). Following the dollar sign, the variable name must begin with either a letter (A-Z, a-z) or an underscore (_). The rest of the name can consist of any combination of letters, numbers and underscore characters - but not blank spaces. Variable names are case sensitive.

      Here are valid variable names:


      Also, $Fred is a different variable than $fred .

      1. Good variable names

        Good variable names describe the intended contents of a variable, e.g.

        $itemSubtotal= 100;
        $shippingCharge = 11;
        $salesTax= 5;

        These names are good because they will be easy to read and understand. Also they follow a consistent style - each name is composed of 2 or more simple words. The first simple word is lowercase and the others have the first letter uppercase to mark the word breaks. This is referred to as camel-cap style.

    3. What can be stored in a variable?

      A variable in PHP can be assigned any kind of PHP value. So the question is, what are the possible kinds of value in PHP? So far in the examples we've seen 2 kinds of value: strings and numbers . Roughly speaking these are referred to as " types " of variables.

      Technically there is more than one kind of number (e.g. fixed versus floating point), as well as special true and false values known as " boolean " - but in practice we don't usually spend much time worrying about types in PHP. The types of PHP variables are usually handled automatically for us anyways. For that reason, PHP is referred to as a "loosely typed" language (but typos aren't allowed).

      1. To summarize...
        1. Any value at all (simple or complex) can be stored in a PHP variable.
        2. There are kinds of PHP values: scalars, arrays and objects.
        3. Formally speaking there are 8 PHP data types .

    4. Processing HTML forms

      Forms are the way that user information reaches your scripts. To access form data you need to reference the PHP super-global arrays: $_GET , $_POST and/or $_REQUEST .

      1. Once upon a time...

        Once upon a time PHP was different. When forms were submitted the value in them automagically became global variables that your scripts had access to. This was golden age, in which anything was possible...

        All this changed with PHP 4.2...

      2. register_globals off since PHP 4.2

        Actually, the momentous change is really just one line in php.ini... In the old days, a variable in the config file called register_globals was turned on, whereas now it is off by default.

        Your script can easily access any part of the environment or HTTP request that it needs to - the change is that by default these data streams are not merged willy-nilly into your global space. It's a good thing.

        The only problem is that now programmers have to understand how to access array elements before being able to process a simple form.

      3. Just enough about arrays to be dangerous....

        Arrays are lists of values - any kind of values! Each entity in an array is called an element . The values stored in elements can be accessed by keys .

        For example, consider this code:

        $favoriteFoods['tom'] = "pancakes";
        $favoriteFoods['dick'] = "broccoli";
        $favoriteFoods['harry'] = "tofu burgers";

        ' tom ', ' dick ' and ' harry ' are the keys of the array:

        echo "Harry's favorite food is " . $favoriteFoods['harry'] ;

        By the way, this array could also have been constructed using the array construct, as follows:

        $favoriteFoods= array( 'tom' => 'pancakes',
        'dick' => 'broccoli',
        'harry' => 'tofu burgers' );

      4. $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST

        PHP automatically populates several magical super-arrays with the information submitted via HTML forms.

        The most basic ones are $_GET and $_POST .

        These are automatically filled with submitted values. If the HTML form used method GET then its values will be found in the $_GET array. If the form used method POST then consult the $_POST array.


        3:<title>Color chooser</title>
        5:<body bgcolor='<? echo $_POST['favoriteColor'] ?>'>
        7:<form method=POST>
        8: Color?
        9: <select name='favoriteColor'>
        10: <option>Red</option>.
        11: <option>Blue</option>
        12: <option>Green</option>
        13: <option>Yellow</option>.
        14: </select>
        15: <br><br>
        16: <input type=submit value="Pick">

    5. Working with strings and numbers

      An important aspect of working with strings and numbers is understanding the basic operators associated with them.

      A computer language provides built-in functions for working with its data types. At an even more fundamental level it provides operators . An operator is a symbol that acts on values, and "does something." Operators are built into the fabric a of a programming language - they represent basic actions that can be performed on values and variables.

      1. PHP Operators

        For example, the concatenation operator (.) compounds two "operands" that it assumes are strings into one, as in:

        echo ($firstName . " " . $lastName); [Note the space character " "]

        Meanwhile the addition operator (+) combines two "operands" by adding them together and returning the result:

        echo ($subTotal + $shippingCharge);

        1. Type juggling

          Many type-sensitive operators, including " +" and " . ", will go out of their way to interpret their operands numerically - for example the statement

          echo ("3" + 4);

          will print "7", even though one operand was ostensibly a string.
          Meanwhile, the concatenation operator ('.') will likewise try to interpret its operands as stings. For example,

          echo ("3" . 4);

          will print "34", even though one operand was ostensibly an integer.

        2. Running a total...

          Several special operators support the common and useful idiom of allowing a variable to accumulate value, for example the addition assignment operator ('+='):

          $subTotal += $itemCost;

          This would be sensible inside of a " loop " through the items in a shopping cart.

          Here's a quick conceptual example using the concatenation assignment operator ('.=')...

          foreach ($randomWords as $randomWord) {
          // add a " " before the next word, except the first time...
          if ($wildNewSentence)
          $wildNewSentence .= " ";
          $wildNewSentence .= $randomWord;

      2. Built-in PHP functions

        The idea of a "function" is important in software. Conceptually functions are a way for something to be implemented once and then accessed as often as needed. Functions often receive parameters - that is values are passed into a function when it is called. Functions also typically return a value which the calling code can evaluate or assign. PHP programmers define functions as needed in our scripts and programs. At the deeper level the language itself provides hundreds of core commands that present themselves as " built-in " functions.

        PHP has a very large number of built-in functions.

        You'll probably want to make frequent use of the PHP Manual @

        1. Reversing course

          For fun, here's a quick page that uses the built-in strrev() function:

          1: <?php
          3: $userWord = $_GET['userWord'];
          5: if ($userWord)
          6: echo "'$userWord' backwards is '". strrev($userWord) . "'<hr>";
          8: ?>
          10: <form>
          11: Word? <input type=text name='userWord' value='<? echo $userWord ?>'>
          12: <br>
          13: <input type=submit>
          14: </form>

          Line #3 is the magic for accessing form values. Line #5 checks to see if a value has been submitted. Strrev() is used on line #6 - this line shows various ways of quoting, concatenating and interpolating values. Line #11 has some PHP in it to make the form value 'sticky' as a convenience.

          Tip: By the way, cleaning up user input is a common requirement but for some reason reversing strings doesn't seem to come up very often.

        2. String functions galore...

          A complete list of PHP string functions can be found here:

        3. Number functions