PHP Assignment


  1. You need to make an HTML form (with HTML5 attributes) that uses PHP to pass input from text fields and possibly a dropdown menu to another PHP page (which will be the value of action=" " on your form). (A PHP page can also pass variables to itself, as in this example. How would you get that to work?)
  2. That page will display the contents of the text fields and maybe the value of the dropdown in some sort of confirmation page (Thanks Fred! We're glad you selected Johnny Lasagny for your takeout order!). This page can also print (or echo) the date/time.
  3. (Optional): Put in the code to send me ( an e-mail that says an order has been placed (how would you include a variable in that, e.g. Fred has placed an order?). Note this function may be blocked by our IT department.

DUE: as part of your completed project, Monday, Dec. 11.


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