The Biology Club with the very able assistance of the grounds staff of La Salle University assisted with the planting of new trees and shrubs during Earth Day and Arbor Day activities. These plants were purchased with funds from the Arboretum Project Fund.
We wish to thank Mario Menocal (Head Groundskeeper) and his staff (Michael Bast, Bill Briegel, Mary Currie, George Dare, Simon Griffin Richard Kostelny, Glenn Krosky, Jeff Kunkel and Michael Widgens) for all of their help in procuring and planting these tree and shrubs. Their assistance at this very busy time of the year as well as their hard work all year long makes our campus truly an "oasis in the city".
This year's Arbor Day / Earth Day plantings were extensive. It was our plan not to just make up for something that had died but to expand the number and type of trees and shrubs on campus. Virtually all of the additions this year are very large size specimens and will make a significant showing in their first year on campus. This year's Earth Day / Arbor Day additions included:
Abies balsamea var. phanerolepsis --- Canaan Fir (a variety of balsam fir)
Acer pensylvanicum --- Striped Maple or Moosewood
Cedrus atlantica --- Atlas Cedar (20 feet tall!)
Cladrastis kentukea --- American Yellowwood (12 feet tall a replacement for a dying specimen)
Cotinus Grace --- Smoketree (purple-leaved form derived from a hybrid between C. coggyria Velvet Cloak and C. obovatus)
Hamamelis x intermedia Arnold Promise --- cultivar of the hybrid between the Chinese & Japanese Witchhazel
Laburnum x wateri --- Goldenchain Tree
Magnolia acuminata --- Cucumbertree
Additional spring
2006 post Arbor Day / Earth Day plantings by the Grounds staff
Abies pinsapo 'Glauca' --- Blue Spanish Fir
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula' --- Weeping Alaska-cedar
Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' --- Cherry Laurel
Rhododendron 'Gibralter' --- Azalea, one of the Exbury
Rhododendron 'Girard Fuchsia' --- Azalea, one of the Girard
Taxus baccata 'Repandens' --- English Yew
Vinca minor --- Common Periwinkle
planted here due to soil conditions |