Week 2 Project

For this week's project assignment please resubmit this document with the following rules in place.

Please create the following rules for the h1 and h2 tags:

  1. font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  2. font-style: italic;
  3. color: #000000;
  4. background: #ffff00;

The h1 element should be 1.5em and h2 element should be 1.3em in size.

Class and Id

By using class selectors you are able to control how you would like various elements to be displayed. For example, this sentence should be displayed in courier font with a green background, whereas the rest of this paragraph is being displayed with the defined style above (Arial, 1em, black). Your task is to figure out where to place the class selector/attribute definition to create the effect that matches what is being said in this paragraph!

This paragraph is being displayed in italics with a background color of your choice (remember to include a color: property also).

Lastly, add a section of text to the document in place of this paragraph text that uses an id selector with these properties: serif font, navy text color, and any value of the font-weight: property.

One of my hobbies is reading – currently I am flipping back and forth between Just a Theory: Exploring the Nature of Science and Art on the Edge and Over: Searching for Art's Meaning in Contemporary Society.

Another hobby is collecting art. However, a limited budget and a small apartment keep that hobby somewhat in check.

Something I started playing around with recently is Processing (http://processing.org/), an open-source programming language based on Java for creating and manipulating images and animations. MoonReeds_14.jpg is an example of something I coded.