From the selection of words I chose "furry". I wrote a Processing program ( that wrote the word "furry" over and over in random positions in brown hues in a font called Scriptina that I downloaded from The result looked a bit like a work by Cy Twombly. Then I had the program write the word a few more times in larger font size in the background color.
Below is my program
PFont font; int i,j,k; float x, y; String myWord="furry"; font = loadFont("Scriptina-48.vlw"); textFont(font); colorMode(HSB,360,100,100,100); smooth(); for(j=1;j<=100;j++) { size(500,500); background(40,70,90,100); textFont(font,64); for(i=1;i<800;i++) { fill(40+random(-20,10),90+random(0,10),30+random(-10,0),100-random(0,20)); x=random(-0.4*width,1.2*width); y=random(-0.4*height,1.2*height); text(myWord, x, y); } fill(40,70,90); textFont(font, 128); for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) { for(k=-1;k<=1;k++) { text(myWord,width/3+i,height/2+k); } } fill(40,70,100); text(myWord,width/3,height/2); save(myWord+"_"+j+".tif"); }