CSC 152: The Week beginning Oct. 1 |
and pdf
. Use these
formats to save a histogram and boxplot of the low temperatures.) Zip up your .R and .CSV as well as
your .jpg, .png, .svg and .pdf files and submit them.
. This program offers a suggestion of what might have gone wrong -- confusing x and
y axes. It also offers an alternative to abline
called curve
which allows one
to plot functions in R.)
#install.packages("rstudioapi") library(rstudioapi) setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)) getwd() biomass=read.csv("MarineReserve.csv")
method because the frequencies have already been determined -- we had this
same issue of using automatic histograms and making our own in Excel.) Recall that you may want to
rename the field names that come with the file. When you have a graph you like, add the line
of code before and after to save the result in one of the following formats: jpg, pdf, png or svg.
method. When you have a graph you like, add the line
of code before and after to save the result in one of the following formats: jpg, pdf, png or svg.