Finals Week
MWF 11:45 section, final is Monday, December 10 at 10:00 AM
MWF 12:50 section, final is Friday, December 14 at noon
Expect to be tested on some of the new material that has not been previously tested.
New material:
- Excel: Matrix (MINVERSE and MMULT)
- Excel: CONVERT
- Excel: sort data, print preparation (landscape, fit to pages, add headers)
- Mathematica: Logistic function
- Excel & Mathematica: "3D" (Surface) plots
I make no promises that the list of "old material" below is everything you might see on the final, but these are topics that we dealt with repeatedly. (There is a concept in computing called "locality of reference" which basically says you can expect to use the information you have used often in the past.)
Old material:
- Excel, R & Mathematica: Fitting data, extrapolate/interpolate
- Excel & R: Statistics (average, standard deviation, etc., including histograms & box and whiskers plots)
- Excel & R: generating and using random numbers
- Excel: VLOOKUP
- Excel: formulas including absolute addressing (A1 versus A$1 versus $A1 versus $A$1)