Syllabus for CSC 230: Programming Concepts and GUIs

Contact Information
Thomas E. Blum
Office: Olney-333
Office Hours:
Phone: 215-951-1139

Recommended Text: Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step--Version 2003, Michael Halvorson, Microsoft Press (ISBN: 0735619050)

(The book is available as part of the library's Safari On-line collection. See these instructions for accessing these books.)

Topics: Problem solving and programming using problem-based learning; programming in an integrated development environment, such as Visual Basic .NET; control flow, iteration, modules, arrays, file processing, classes and objects, basic graphical user interface concepts (forms and controls).


There will be a weekly lab as well as weekly homework. There will be four open-book, open-notes exams in which you will write code and a final of the same format. The various components of the course will be weighted as follows:
Homework: 15%
Lab/Class: 22.5%
Tests: 37.5% (lowest dropped)
Final: 25%
or if it benefits the student
Homework: 15%
Lab/Class: 22.5%
Tests: 50% (no drop)
Final: 12.5%
  • The plus/minus grading system will be used.
  • Attendance will be taken.
  • Absences, lateness, inattention, etc. will be factored into the lab/class component of the grade.
  • Over three unexcused absences may result in the reduction of your final grade.
  • Unless an extension has been granted, a late assignment will be penalized 5 pts. (out of 100) each day it is late.
  • The lowest of the four test grades will be dropped. The final has a weight equal to two tests. If it is the lowest grade, it will be counted equal to a test and no test grade will be dropped.
  • Make-up tests are given at the discretion of the professor. If you miss a test, you should assume it will serve as your dropped score unless you have met with me to discuss the reason for missing the exam and to schedule a make-up.
  • All tests are cumulative, though they will tend to focus on and give more weight to the new material.
  • It is your responsibility to keep copies of all of your assignments, tests and so forth at least until you receive your final grade for the course.


You will need a way to submit your solutions to the labs and homeworks. You can use a floppy disk (though some projects may be too large) or a CD. Anything you submit should be clearly labeled. Never submit your only copy of a solution. Always save any material handed back until you have received and accepted your final grade.

It is also possible to email solutions provided that they are compressed (using a product like WinZip).


Note that a student is allotted 400 sheets of paper per semester to be printed in the classroom labs, open labs and library. A student can pay more if he or she wishes to exceed this limit. Think about what you are printing and how you are printing it.

Classroom Behavior:

While in the classroom, students should behave in a manner that is neither distracting to nor disrespectful to the professor or other students. Cell phones should be turned off.


When using materials from a book, website, etc., the source must be cited, otherwise it is considered plagiarism. Claiming another's work as your own is cheating. A student caught cheating will receive a score of zero. Repeated cheating can result in a failing grade for the course. Asking another for help on a step or two in a many step homework is acceptable; handing in duplicate or nearly duplicate work is not. If you require a significant amount of assitance, you should seek my help. Finally, openly allowing your work to be copied is also cheating.