Follow the instructions found at
to make a page that uses a jQuery Accordion. (Basically download and edit the demo.) Files to practice reading JSON.
Have two drop-down selects. The first will have the names of artists read from the JSON file.
When the user selects a painter, the second will be populated with painting titles by that
artist. When the user selects a painting title, the corresponding image is displayed.
Hangman_Day2.htm (needs
to be in folder obtained from unzipping above)
Send me an email if you want to see the tests from the other section -- useful for those
going on to CSC 280.
Writing Analysis Read in the content from a textarea. Eliminate punctuation and parse (split) it into words.
Then perform a brief statistical analysis on the resulting array words finding the number of words, the longest
and shortest word, the average word length, as well as the RMS deviation.