- Quote database: Write a query (join) that connects the author (first and last name)
of quote to its text.
SELECT `quoteAuthor`.`quoteAuthorFirstName` , `quoteAuthor`.`quoteAuthorLastName` ,`quoteQuote`.`quoteText`
FROM `quoteQuote`
LEFT JOIN `c240blumt`.`quoteAuthor` ON `quoteQuote`.`quoteAuthorID` =`quoteAuthor`.`quoteAuthorID`
- Quote database: Write a query (join with bridge) that connects the text of a quote to its
SELECT `quoteQuote`.`quoteText`, `quoteTopic`.quoteTopicName
FROM `quoteQuoteTopic`,`quoteQuote`, quoteTopic
WHERE `quoteQuoteTopic`.`quoteQuoteID` = `quoteQuote`.`quoteID`
AND `quoteQuoteTopic`.`quoteTopicID` =quoteTopic.quoteTopicID
- Northwind database: Write a query (union) that lists the City, region and
country of both employees and suppliers.
(SELECT `employees`.`City` , `employees`.`Region` ,`employees`.`Country`
FROM `employees`)
(SELECT `suppliers`.`City` , `suppliers`.`Region` ,`suppliers`.`Country`
FROM `suppliers`)