Contact Info:
Thomas E. Blum
Office: H-133/124
Office hours: Mon. 10:30-11:30, Wed. 10:30-11:30, Thurs. 2:00-3:00, or by appointment
or by appointment
Phone: 215-951-1139
The course focuses on scripts used to automate installation, maintenance and analysis of operating systems, networks and
applications. It will cover scripting languages used in Windows (with Active Directory) and Linux environments
(bash). Students
will be expected to use, modify and write scripts to create and manage users and groups, to manage backup, to install and
update applications, to log usage, etc.
Tuesdays 6:15-8:55
Labor day: Mon, Sept. 5
Midsemester break: Mon, Oct. 17 & Tues, Oct. 18
Thanksgiving: Wed, Nov. 23 & Thurs, Nov. 24 & Fri, Nov. 25
Other important dates:
Classes start: Aug. 29
Midsemester grades due: Oct. 19
Last day to withdraw: Nov. 4
Classes end: Dec. 9
Finals week: Dec. 12 - Dec. 16
Holroyd 120
Course Calendar:
Online Books:
To find one set of relevant ebooks in La Salle University Connelly Library collection,
go to the online catalog and do a keyword search on "safari online".
Title(s) relevant to this course:
Microsoft Windows 8 administration pocket consultant/Stanek, William R
Learning Objetives:
Students should be able to
- Install and maintain Linux and Windows operating systems -- both manually
and using automation.
- Use commands to navigate the file system and manipulate files.
- Write scripts that combine tasks to automate adminitsrative procedures.
- Use basic programming constructs (conditions, loops, arrays, strings, file IO,
objects, etc.) in the administrative scripting context.
- Use Directory Services (such as Active Directory).
The components of the course will be weighted as follows
Tests: |
32% |
2 tests |
Final: |
16% |
The final is cumulative with an emphasis on any previously untested material. |
Homework: |
16% |
Labs: |
32% |
Class: |
4% |
In addition,
Homeworks and labs are to be done individually unless explicitly stated
There will be two open-book, open-notes exams in which you will write
code and a final of the same format. The date of a test will be announced at
least one week before it is given.
If at any time you take information from any source (book, website, etc.), that
source should be cited. Failing to do so may be considered plagiarism and thus
A late penalty of 10 pts (out of 100) will be deducted from your score for each
week an assignment is late.
The plus/minus grading system will be used.
Attendance will be taken.
Absences, lateness, etc. will be reflected in the class portion of the grade.
More than three unexcused absences may result in the lowering of a grade.
Make-up tests are given at the discretion of the professor. You have to meet
with me to discuss the reason for missing the exam and to schedule a make-up.
The students should keep all returned materials (tests, homeworks, labs, and so
on) until a final grade is received for the course.
It is the responsibility of the students to keep copies of all submitted
materials (tests, homeworks, labs, and so on) until a final grade is received
for the course.
Grading scheme: |
- A 94 <= average
- A- 91 <= average < 94
- B+ 88 <= average < 91
- B 85 <= average < 88
- B- 82 <= average < 85
- C+ 79 <= average < 82
- C 76 <= average < 79
- C- 73 <= average < 76
- D+ 70 <= average < 73
- D 67 <= average < 70
Classroom Behavior:
While in the classroom, students should behave in a manner that is neither
distracting to nor disrespectful to the professor or other students. Cell
phones should be turned off.
When using materials from a book, website, etc., the source must be cited;
otherwise it is considered plagiarism. Claiming another's work as your own is
cheating. A student caught cheating will receive a score of zero. Cheating may
result in a reduction of the final grade. Repeated cheating can result in a
failing grade for the course. Asking another for help on part of a homework is
acceptable; handing in duplicate or nearly duplicate work is not. If you
require a significant amount of assitance, you should seek my help. Finally,
openly allowing your work to be copied is also cheating.
Student Resources
includes links to
- Student Guide to Resources, Rights and Responsibilites
- Academic Integrity Policy
- American Disabilities Act
- IT Help Desk Support
- Academic and Learning Support Services
- Library