CSD 340: The Week beginning Jan. 31

Have you entered the Digital Found Objects competition yet?

Coming attractions: We are going to write a script that produces a page inspired by Jiri Kolar (see for example Creation/Venus). To prepare take two images and slice them up into an equal number of slices. Let's all choose 16 slices and name them systematically. I had names like VenusSlice1.jpg, VenusSlice2.jpg, etc. and CreationSlice1.jpg, CreationSlice2.jpg, etc.) Do not use a copyrighted image; either choose a old image or one of your own.

Due Feb. 7

  • Monday:

  • Wednesday:
    Introducing For Loops uses LoopIntro.htm and LoopTable.htm.

  • Friday:
    Loop Lab. It might come in handy to have a A simple template for starting HTML files