CSD 340: The
Week beginning Jan. 16 

- Create at least three distinct geometric patterns/designs in HTML code. Post them to
your space on the alpha (ask if you don't know how) and send me the link(s) in an
email. Here are some of my examples:
grid4.htm, and
- Motivation: If one has a very regular pattern with predictable variations, then
it can be coded with JavaScript as in
Compare the code of this file to the previous files. The hope is that this will
motivate some to learn about loops, functions and so on. JavaScript allows one's
designs to become dynamic as in
CodedDesign4.htm, and
- Many 20th Century artists have explored simple geometry and color. The list includes:
Josef Albers, Gunther Forg, Ellsworth Kelly, Anges Martin, Piet Mondrian, Kenneth
Noland, Ad Reinhardt, Bridget Riley and Victor Vasarely. Find the work of one of these
artists on the web (or any other known artist working with simple geometry and color),
write a commentary on the work. For example, do you like it? Try to explain why or why
not. Do you think it is "art"? Why or why not. Submit the commentary and a link so that
I can view the work you are discussing.
Due Jan. 24
- Tuesday:
- Thursday:
- Lab 1: Homage to the Square. Follow the steps
shown in the slide show to make first a purely HTML version of "Homage to the Square" and
then make it interactive using JavaScript. (Clicking on the link to the slide show opens it
in the browser, but you can right click and save it to the C drive and open it as a normal
PowerPoint file, which will allow it to be larger on your screen.)
(Link about Albers