CSD 340: The
Week beginning Feb. 13 

- Announcement of Test 1: The first test will be on Thursday, Feb 23.
It will consist of writing HTML and JavaScript. It will be open book,
open notes. The new material presented this week (for loops) will not be on
the test.
- Muybridge Film Strip. Write a page that allows the user to choose a number between
1 and 11 that corresponds to the number of frames in a "film strip". When
the button is clicked, use a for loop to construct the film strip. I used
a table, each row had three cell. The first cell holds an sprocket image (SprocketLeft.gif);
the second cell holds a horse image which changes with each row (horse1.jpg, horse2.jpg,
etc.); the third cell holds the other sprocekt image (SprocketRight.gif).
I made the table's bgcolor to black, and I had to set the height attribute of the
images. (Uses MuybridgeStripImages.zip)

Due Feb. 21
Agnes Martin Use a for loop to construct repetitive HTML code (possibly tables, divs,
horizontal rules) that is then written to the page. Your designs should be reminiscent of
the work of Agnes Martin (look it up if you need to). Make three versions.
Movie Rater Design a page that allows the user to rate ten movies (I chose AFI's top
ten of all time). Use the on change event of a drop-down list (select tag) to calla function.
The function should have a loop that repeatedly concatenates img tags of a star
(e.g. Star2.gif) and then assigns it to the innerHTML property of
the appropriate table cell.