(This is a homework and a lab.)
- Use the zipped files below to start.
- The page present the user with a word to guess the letters of.
- The user guesses a letter by selecting a radio button and clicking
the Check button.
- If no radio button was selected, display a message to that effect.

- Correctly guessed letters are displayed on the page, incorrect guesses lead to
one more feature being added to the hangman. (The hangman images can be found in the
zipped file below.)

- If all of the letters are guessed before the full hangman is displayed, tell
the user he or she won and allow them to move on to the next round.

- If all of the features of the hangman are displayed before all of the letters
are guessed, tell the user he or she lost and allow them to move on to the next round.

- When the words run out, display a message saying so, and disable all buttons.