Write examples 4-7 (p. 49) and 4-10 (p. 51) from
Make: Getting Started with p5.js P5_ex_4_7.PNGP5_ex_4_10.PNG
Logon. Make a page as shown below.
Have the user enter a username and password and click a button.
Check that the user's attempt at a username matches the actual username (marxg1)
and that the user's attempt at a password matches the actual password (swordfish).
Use a Password input for the password. If both username and password match navigate
to a new page; otherwise, pop up a message indicating a problem. Count the number of
attempts and disable the button after three failed attempts.
AllWork.htm Compares different types of repetition: User driven
(user clicks button repeatedly); Code driven (for or while loops); and System Driven (timer calls
function repeatedly)
(did not get to)