Project parameters: Use between 1 and 3 p5.js "sketches" to demonstrate
Some of the build-in methods to make shapes (ellipses, rectangles, etc.)
An if
A loop
An array
A transformation like rotate or translate
Some randomness
An external font file
An external image file
A dynamic (time-based) change of color
A dynamic change of something's position
Some user interaction (e.g. mouse, keyboard, button, etc.)
Comments: each sketch should have a comment that describes what it does and what features
I should pay attention to for grading purposes
Each sketch should have an original theme/design (the set of sketches do not have to be related).
For example a sketch should not just demonstrate an array in the simplest way, but rather use an
array to realize some desired result. Also the sketches should not be straight out the book or
copies of something straight off the Internet. If you use an example, you must make some significant
modifications and you should cite your source as a comment.