3. Make one HTML and two PHP documents. The HTML page should have two forms. Each form should have two text inputs. The first form should use the GET method and
have an action of the first PHP page. The second form should use the POST method and have an action of the second PHP page. In addition to echoing back the user's
input, the PHP pages should explain the differences between the GET and POST methods. (See for example
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp.) Post the pages and email me the
Due: Sept. 23
Make two PHP pages -- the first one should include a form having the
second page as an action and using the GET method
ArraySearch.zip We wrote a quick demo program
to review an array search.
In class demo -- adapt last week's state drop-down select demo so that
it uses a session variable to remember what state has been selected by
the user. This is as far as we got: