XML Movies: Pick two or three movies and write an XML file for your movie objects. Properties
should include title, year, genre, director(s), writer(s), stars, and description.
Find an online XML Validator to test your XML code. (http://www.imdb.com) Write a PHP
page to read the file and display the information.
XML Lab, Part A CD Catalog (local file) Download the CD Catalog XML file from
Then write a PHP page to read a local copy of the file and display the information.
XML Lab, Part B: Plant Catalog (remote file) Look at the Plant Catalog XML file from
Then write a PHP page to read the remote file and display the information.
Lab: Presidents from CSV file into jQuery Accordion Make a President
class that includes properties: name, dates, nickname, and image_file. Read
and parse the data file provided. Use it to instantiate an array of President
objects. Then use those objects to populate a jQuery Accordion with the
presidential data.