The final will be cumulative but will focus on the untested material: sessions, PDF, INSERT and UPDATE.
Work on project
Project Requirements
The database for your project should have at least four entities.
It should be an original database -- not something I can find on-line.
Each table should include a number of properties.
Each table should have at least three records.
Primary keys should be indicated.
The database should have at least one one-to-many relationship.
the database should have at least one many-to-many relationship.
Your project report must include a statement about each relationships in two ways, such as, "A Congress person may be on many committees"
and "A committee consists of many congress persons."
Your project report must include an ER diagram (design view is OK) for your database.
Have a PHP that handles an INSERT query. There should be some type of validation on at least two different type of fields (or two
different patterns/filters).
Have a PHP page that handles a DELETE query.
Have a PHP page that handles an UPDATE query.
Have a PHP page that handles a SELECT query that populates an element of a form. (For example, you have a one-to-many
relationship as well as a many-to-many relationship, and the options for the foreign key(s) in an INSERT or UPDATE might come
from a drop-down select).
Have PHP pages that handle at least five SELECT queries.
At least one must be displayed in a DataTable.
At least one must be displayed in a PDF table.
At least one must be displayed as JSON.
At least one must be a JOIN.
At least one must be parametrized -- have a WHERE clause with data
provided by the user.
Make a SQL script for your database. Choose the database (not a table within it), go to the Export tab, choose SQL as
the format and click Go.
Submit a report with your design and description. Submit your
SQL script. Submit all of your PHP files.
Due: Dec. 15 (Friday of Finals Week)
My grades are due early on the morning of Wednesday Dec. 20. Labs, homework, and projects submitted past their due date will
receive a late penalty but can be submitted until late Tuesday, Dec. 19. The later it is, the more penalty. Any special
circumstances requiring a grade of incomplete should be discussed with me.
Work on project.
FPDF update needed depending on version
of XAMPP installed. Does not like name
of constructor to be same as class.
Instead it should be called __construct
(two underscores). I changed it but you
may have downloaded it earlier.