Make a page that uses
<a>, <address>, <b>, <base>, <blockquote>, <br>, and <button>. See for explanation
and examples of how to use these HTML tags.
jQuery: Make a page that uses the following jQuery methods: hide(), show(), slideUp(), slideDown(), delay(), fadeIn(), fadeOut(),
and fadeToggle(). The following tutorial
jQuery Tutorial #1 - jQuery Tutorial for Beginners
demos these methods.
Due: Jan. 27
ButtonCompare.htm Compares button click methods: old fashioned versus jQuery
TextInputCompare.htm Extends above to incude getting info from text input and responding to
the text input's keydown event -- so we know when the user types
RadioButtonCompare.htm Allows the user to select a size from (S, M, L, and XL) using
radio buttons. Compares "old-fashioned" and jQuery approaches. Also clears out answer if user clicks on radio buttons
changing the previous answer.
In class demo: NumberInput_e.html
HTML5's number input also uses isNaN()