Make a page that uses
<meta>, <nav>, <noscript>, <optgroup>, <pre>, <section>,
<small>, <sub>, and <sup>. See for explanation
and examples of how to use these HTML tags.
Target.htm demos SVG element with circles and text.
InchWorm.htm demos SVG element with ellipses and path.
RegularExpression_1.htm demos using regular expressions
with an if to see if data matches a pattern.
DadaPoem.htm Demonstrates replace (using regular expressions)
and split
DadaPoem2.htm Adds <span>'s so that the words look
"cut out".
DadaPoem3.htm Shuffles "phrases" instead of words. Uses
join (opposite of split).
WordList.htm reads
Words.txt using jQuery.get. (Has to be posted on the server to work).
Sign Language Lab
Retrieve input from user.
Put the text into lower letters.
Use split to make text into an array of characters.
Loop through array and concatenate the HTML for the image elements with
src's set to the corresponding image file found in
Make any non-letter character a break element in your HTML.
Add the HTML to the page.
Use the text input keydown event to clear any results.
Due: Feb. 17
Writing Analysis Lab
Have a text area a user can put text in. You can preload it with some text.
When the user clicks the button, determine the following statistics on the retrieved text:
The number of words
The length of the longest word and that word (or at least one of them).
The length of the shortest word and that word (or at least one of them).
The average length of the words.
The root-mean-square (rms) deviation of the length of the words. The deviation is the difference
(subtract) between the length of a given word and the average length. Square all those terms
(Some deviations would be positive and some negative, but squaring makes them all positive.) Take the
mean (average) of the squared deviations -- add and divide by the number of words. Then take the
square root (Math.sqrt(x) or Math.pow(x, 0.5)).
Clear out the results if the user types in the text area