Create a "beginner" minesweeper board - an 8 x 8 grid of buttons. 10 of them are chosen at random to contain
"bombs". (Preferrably these numbers with be constants instead of "magic numbers".) The other buttons have contain a number which is the number of bombs on surrounding buttons.
When the user clicks on a button, it reveals it contents. If that content is a bomb, then the game is over,
and all content not previously revealed gets revealed.
Due: Oct. 31
Word Jumble
Have your app read a file with words (such as Words.txt).
Create a array of words. Make sure the words are neither too long nor too short -- say five or six letters.
Shuffle the words into a random order. For a round of the game, take an element of your word array and
create from it an array of letters. Shuffle those letters and display them. The user will enter what
he/she believes the original word to be and click a button. Let the user know if the guess was correct
or incorrect. Allow the user to move on to another round.