Do Activity101 on pp. 38-39 in Beginning Android 4 Application Development (Lee)
which calls the Log.d method from various "life cycle" methods like onCreate, onResume,
onPause, etc. Include your initials either in the tag or msg parameters. Paste a screen
capture of the resulting LogCat (it may need to be filtered, see slideshow below) obtained as
you start the app, hit the Back button, etc.
Answer the questions in the quiz found at
(All of the answers can be found in the links What is an Object?, What is a Class?, etc found
on the upper left hand side of the page. Reda them if you don't know the answers.)
Design and code the app above. It includes an AnalogClock, a TextClock, three RatingBars, and
six TextViews (3 for questions and 3 to display ratings). When the user changes the ratings on the RatingBars, the corresponding TextViews should be updated. Send a screen capture. (Make sure you know how to run it on a
device connected to the computer by USB and how to make a screen capture of that device.)