Cooking Steak Lab Create an app that calculates the number of minutes to broil a steak. The user should enter a thickness
of steak (between .5 and 2 inches) in an EditText. The user should enter how they want their steak cooked (rare, medium rare, medium,
medium well, well) using a group of RadioButtons.
When a Button is clicked, display the cook time. The cook time should be a base time that depends on the "doneness" plus four times the thickness. The base times for
(rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well) are (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) respectively. So a (1/2)-inch steak cooked rare is
cook_time = 2 + 4*(0.5) = 4 minutes
And a 2-inch steak cooked well done is
cook_time = 6 + 4*2 = 14 minutes
If the user does not enter a thickness, complain in a Toast. If the user does not enter a doneness, complain in a Toast.
If the user changes the thickness, clear out any previous answer. If the user changes the "doneness", clear out any previous answer.
Submit the layout XML and kotlin files zipped up by email.