Reminder: we will have a test, not the week after Easter break, but the week after that.
JQueryTable.htm Uses JQuery to select and
change color of even and odd rows in a table as well as even and odd cells. Note counting
starts at zero, so it may not coincide with your usual notion of "even" and "odd". Also
note since <td>'s are more local than <tr>'s, their style wins out if the
styles conflict.
StemCell.htm (Example of having a separate
CSS for print)
MySQL.ppt (presentation on setting up a
MySQL database using phpMyAdmin on the "gamma")
MySQL_Queries.ppt (presentation on performing
a simple query in MySQL using PMA)
Use your MySQL account on the gamma to create a database called YourLastName_Northwind
(with, of course, YourLastName replaced with your last name). Then design a Customers
table based on the Customers table your find in the
Northwind Access database. Export the data from Access and import the data
into your MySQL table. Write and run a basic query on the table. Make a screen capture showing the
results of your query in the phpMyAdmin interface. Send me a document with that screen capture.