PHP Connecting to a MySQL using a PDO (PHP data Object)
Possible resources:
Programming PHP (Tatroe, MacIntyre & Lerdorf) p. 205
PHP Data Objects (PDO): Connecting (Part 1/8)
The presenter (Alex) uses the default root user without a password.
Last week in PMA_intro.ppt I referenced a method for adding a root
password (Slide 5).
Later I showed how to add another user to the database (Slide 10). I am finding
it easier to connect to the database if I change the "host" to LOCAL
(contains a basic database connection and simple query with the database credentials in a separated
"included" file -- the database used is the state-capital database used as an example last week)
fetches the results of a query all at once instead of record-by-record, makes objects out of the records, converts those
objects into the corresponding JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Shows a prepared, parametrized
query. Uses the GET method to allow the user to supply the parameter value (a state abbreviation). Results displayed
as JSON SQL script for northwind database -- creates
tables and inserts data, adds relationships
Northwind exercises
Make a PHP page that has a drop-down select populated by a northwind query with the ProductName displaying to
the user and the ProductID serving and the option's value. Put your credentials in an included file as shown in the
examples; I should be able to swap my credential file for yours and run your code without needing other changes.
Make a page (possibly the previous page) with a form that allows the user to enter a ProductID then use the GET
method and a "prepared, parametrized" query to output the data for that product in JSON format.
Make a PHP page that has a set of radio buttons populated by a northwind query with
Shipper Company Name displaying in a label and the ShipperID serving as the value for the radio button
Make a PHP page that has a table (that has the jQuery plugin data-table functionality) populated by a northwind
query of the suppliers table
Some questions
What are InnoDB and MyISAM? Compare them.
What is a compound primary key? Do any of the tables in the northwind database have a compund primary key?
The SQL script used to make the northwind database include the command TRUNCATE TABLE.
What does that do?
What does that following statement from the SQL script do?
How do you use BETWEEN in a query? In last week's state-capital database, how would you find the states
that were established in the first half of the 20th Century (1900-1950)?
What is the purpose of PDO's (PHP Data Object's) prepare method?