CIS 627 (Web Database Services Development) Week 8
Start of a Login/Register System and start database for your project
Part 1
PHP OOP Login/Register System
- Watch and do the coding seen in the first 11 (of 23) tutorials videos in
OOP Login/Register System
- Submit screen captures of database and directory structure as well as program files.
Part 2
Start the database for project
- The database for your project should have at least four entities.
- Each table should include a number of properties.
- Primary keys should be indicated.
- It should have at least one one-to-many relationship.
- It should have at least one many-to-many relationship.
- State the relationships in two ways, such as, "A Congress person may be on many committees" and "A committee consists of many congress persons."
- Submit an ER diagram for your project.