CIS 627 (Web Database Services Development) Week 9
More Login/Register System and more on your project
Part 1
PHP OOP Login/Register System
- Watch and do the coding seen in the remaining (12 to 23) tutorials videos in
OOP Login/Register System
- Submit the program files.
Part 2
Make some PHP pages for project. I am not going to specify the number of pages, but the following features and functionality should be present
- Have an INSERT query. There should be some type of validation on at least two different type of fields (or two different patterns/filters).
- Have a DELETE query.
- Have an UPDATE query.
- Have a SELECT query that populates an element of a form. (For example, you have a one-to-many relationship as well as
a many-to-many relationship, and the options for the foreign key(s) in an INSERT or UPDATE might come from a drop-down
- Have at least three SELECT queries. At least one must be displayed in a datatable or PDF table. At least one must be a JOIN. At least one must be parametrized -- have a WHERE clause with data
provided by the user. (The SELECT to populate the form element can count as one of the three so long as the other criteria are met.)