PYL 105 Physics 105 Laboratory


Contact Information

Thomas E. Blum
Office: Holroyd-133
Office Hours: Phone: 215-951-1139
Department chair: Henry Bart,, 215.951.1268, Holroyd Science Center 45

Topic: PYL 105 is the weekly two-hour laboratory that normally accompanies PHY 105, the four-hour lecture portion of the lab. As with PHY 105, PYL 105 covers vectors, elementary mechanics of point particles and rigid bodies, as well as fluids.

Course calendar Link:

Meeting Place & Times:
Section 44: Friday 2:00 to 3:50
Holroyd 053
(The lab midterm and lab final will be held in a computer lab -- likey Holroyd 253.)

Learning Objectives

Students should be able to:


When taken in conjunction with PHY 105 -- the lecture portion of the course, your grade in this lab constituents 25% of your grade in the Physics 105 course. It will be determined by weekly group lab reports, attendance/participation and two lab exams, one in the middle of the semester, the other toward the end. The relative weights are:


The midterm and final will be open notes, open book. You will be expected to analyze and plot data on these tests. If you leave it to your lab partner to perform these skills week after week, you may fail the exams. Also note that you must have your own copies of the lab for the test days; you cannot pass labs between partners during the test.

A report is written as a group and should represent a group effort. Your reports involve the analysis of the data you have taken in the lab. Reports should be written in Word with Excel plots pasted in them. A hard copy of the report should be handed in at the beginning of the next lab. There will be a 5 point reduction for each day of lateness.

Missed labs. One report grade will be dropped from your final lab grade. If you miss a lab, you should assume that it will serve as your dropped lab. (Labs are a group effort, but if you did not attend you are not considered part of the group that week. Time permitting you may be allowed to make up a missed lab.  You should communicate with the lab instructor as soon as possible.) Remember that you are responsible for the material from all of the labs and that it may appear on the tests. 


What goes into a report?

NOTE: Typically physical quantities have units (e.g. meters, seconds, etc.). Points will be taken off if you consistently forget to include them. In tabled data, the convention is to put the units in a column's header and not in each and every cell.

Classroom Behavior:

While in the classroom, students should behave in a manner that is neither distracting to nor disrespectful to the professor or other students. Cell phones should be turned off.


When using materials from a book, website, etc., the source must be cited, otherwise it is considered plagiarism. Claiming another's work as your own is cheating. A student caught cheating will receive a score of zero. Repeated cheating can result in a failing grade for the course. Asking another for help on a step or two in a many step homework is acceptable; handing in duplicate or nearly duplicate work is not. If you require a significant amount of assitance, you should seek my help. Finally, openly allowing your work to be copied is also cheating. (Academic Integrity Policy) (Academic Dishonesty)

Some Tutoring

Tutoring for various subject areas (70+ courses) is available for La Salle undergraduates. Subject tutors help students identify what as well as how to learn, clarify course content, and help students understand their strengths and weaknesses regarding the subject matter. Students should take advantage of tutoring at the first indication of difficulty in a course or whenever they wish to improve their performance or knowledge in a course, for example, to improve grades or to maintain high grades. Students can make tutoring appointments through GradesFirst located under Tools in the mylasalle portal. For students who have created their own study groups but would like a tutor to assist the group with the material, “facilitated study groups” can be arranged. For more information, contact Kitty Kaar at 215.951.1822 or

Academic Skills Workshops

Academic Skills Workshops are offered face to face and online on a variety of topics such as study strategies, documentation styles, test taking, group study, and time management. A number of workshops are also archived online so students are advised to go to for workshop descriptions, dates, and times. Additional academic resources are available online as well. For more information, contact Mary Robertson at or Jaime Longo at

Student Resources includes links to
  • Student Guide to Resources, Rights and Responsibilites
  • Academic Integrity Policy
  • American Disabilities Act
  • IT Help Desk Support
  • Academic and Learning Support Services
  • Library
