PYL 105



Part I: Incline acceleration

Motion down an incline is a famous experiment that goes back to Galileo. He was one of the first to understand motion with constant acceleration. For instance, he knew that if the object started from rest then its displacement varied like time squared. Later Newton would relate the acceleration of an object to the net force acting on that object. In the absence of friction and air resistance forces, theory says that the acceleration down an incline is given by

a = g sin (θ)

where θ is the angle relative to the horizontal and g is 9.8 m/s2, the acceleration due to gravity. We will attempt to verify this result by the following experiment.

You Tube video of dropping objects with different masses on the Moon

Part II: Sketching

Suppose a mass were sliding along a track like the one shown below.

Two slopes

Sketch a graph of what the velocity-versus-time graph would look like. (Assume the track is two meters long and the bend is in the middle.)
