PYL 106: Diffraction and Interference
Interference and Diffraction of light
Just as we had superposition of waves on a string and sound waves, we
have superposition of light waves. We will send laser light (you should discuss
in your report why we are using lasers) through a pattern of slits. According
to Huygens' Principle, the light that passes through these slits can be thought
of as a new source. So now we have multiple sources of light, just as we had
multiple sources of sound waves (speakers) in the superposition of sound lab.
The waves from these sources will interfere, sometimes constructively,
sometimes destructively, yielding bright and dark spots respectively.
The centers of the bright spots should be at places of constructive
interference, i.e. where the path difference is an integral multiple of the
wavelength. After some analysis and approximations we are led to a relatively
simple formula
ym = m λ L / d
where ym is the distance between the center spot and the
mth bright spot from it, m is an integer (1, 2, 3 ...),
λ is the wavelength of the light, L is the distance
between the slit source and the screen where the spots are observed, and d
is the
distance between the slits.
The above equation is a variation of
d sin(θ) = m λ
where sin(θ) is approximated by y/L.
Part I. Double Slit: Vary Distance Between Slits
Attach a multi-slit set (which is comprised of two parts shown below)
and a diode laser to an optics bench as shown below.
Plug in the laser, turn it on, and adjust the horizontal and vertical
settings so that the beam goes through the slit(s) in the center of
the multi-slit set and ends on the screen (piece of paper taped to
a cabinet or wall across the room).
Set the multi-set to the a=0.04 mm, d=0.5 mm double-slit setting
(a is slit the thickness, d is the distance between slit centers).
Note the wavelength of light (if it's not stamped on the laser, look up the
wavelength of red light).
Record the distance L from the multi-slit set to the screen.
Observe the interference pattern. Record y – the distance between the
middles of the center spot and an adjacent bright spot.
Measure the distance between two other adjacent spots (neither of which
is the center spot). How does it compare to y?
Choose the a=0.04 mm, d=0.25 mm setting and repeat your
Choose the a=0.04 mm, d=0.125 mm setting (the double slit, n=2, setting under
the multiple slit settings) and repeat measurements.
Slit-Width Variation
(mm) |
(mm) |
y1 (center)
( ) |
y (not center)
( ) |
0.040 |
0.500 |
0.040 |
0.250 |
0.040 |
0.125 |
Plot y versus d and fit it to a power law. Do
your results agree with the formula above?
Part II. Double Slit: Vary Distance Between Set and Screen
Put the multi-set on the a=0.04 mm, d=0.125 mm
double-slit setting.
Change L, the distance from multi-slit set to screen, record
it and remeasure y, the distance between adjacent spots. (If the spots are evenly spaced, you
can take the distance to the next-next spot and divide by two, etc.)
Change L three more times, repeating the measurements. Make sure
your L's cover a substantial range.
Your largest should be many meters.
Screen Distance Variation
( ) |
y1 (measured)
( ) |
y1 (theory)
( ) |
Percent error
Plot y versus L and fit it to a power law. Do
your results agree with the formula above?
Calculate the theoretical y's from the formula and compare
them to your experimental values.
Warning: Be careful with units in your calculations.
Part III. Multiple slits
Look at the patterns from the 3-, 4- and 5-slit settings.
You should included a drawing of them, a description of them, or a photo of them in your report. They
should be distinct from the 2-slit patterns considered above. Show your
pattern to the instructor.
- In the patterns, what is different from the two-slit case? What is the same?
Account for the change in the pattern by making a plot from 0 to 2π
in Excel of the following functions
slit | Function |
| 1 + cos (φ) |
| 1 + cos (φ) + cos (2 φ) |
| 1 + cos (φ) + cos (2 φ) + cos (3 φ) |
5. | 1 + cos (φ) + cos (2 φ) + cos (3 φ)+ cos (4 φ) |
where φ correspond to the phase difference between two adjacent slits.
(Note that the brightest spots occur when the adjacent slits that have a phase difference of
- The "2π spots" (i.e. the
main ones as opposed to the little in-between ones) decrease in
intensity (brightness) as one moves away from the center spot. In the 5-slit pattern
you should observe a "2π spot"
that has an "out-of-order" faintness. To which integer m does it
correspond? Does this make sense? Explain. You may want to see
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/phyopt/mulslid.html where they
show a double-slit pattern formed within the "envelope" of the single-slit
diffraction. Where do you expect the single-slit envelope to have its
Part IV. Ronchi grating
Now replace the slit setting with a Ronchi ruling which has
slit after slit after slit.
Record its code (color and number of dots, e.g. one red dot or
two black dots). This code must appear in your report.
Determine d, the distance between slits, for the Ronchi ruling
from the pattern you observe.
Choose a different Ronchi ruling and repeat.
Ronchi Ruling
Ronchi code |
d (from equation)