PYL 106: Standing Waves on a String


Standing waves on a string

When you throw a rock into a pool, the water is disturbed. The water is shifted away from its equilibrium position, the flat surface. This disturbance then moves in what we call a "traveling wave." If a wave happens upon an abrupt edge (like the pool wall), it will be reflected back. When there are two waves traveling in opposite directions, a possible outcome is a "standing wave."

In the paticular situation of a standing wave, the disturbance does not appear to move but rather just to oscillate in place. In fact, each point is undergoing periodic motion, all with the same period. While the periods are all same, the amplitude varies from point to point. But of course, two points that are very close must have nearly the same amplitude. There are special points, called nodes, which have no amplitude at all. Below is a picture of a standing wave where the different lines represent the wave at different times.

Standing wave with nodes

In addition to the notion of period T (the time required for the motion to repeat itself), with harmonic waves one has the concept of wavelength λ (the distance between two points that are undergoing identical motion). One has to be careful here with standing waves. Our eyes tend tend to average what is happening over time. Two points that seem to be udergoing identical motion may in fact be undergoing opposite motion but when "time-averaged" appear to us to be identical. The speed of a wave is given by

v = λ / T

which is the distance between where the wave repeats itself divided by the time between when the wave repeats itself. (When we talk about speed in a standing wave, we mean the speed of the two individual waves that make up the standing wave. We are not talking about "transverse velocity.") We can determine λ and T and find this speed. If the wave in question is on a string, theory provides us with another expression for speed

v =   F / μ   = ( F / μ )1/2

where F is the tension in the string and μ is the linear mass density (mass/length). One may see this equation written with a T for tension in place of F. In such a case, be careful not to confuse tension T with period T.



For both the thick and thin stretchy cord: