Contact Info:
Thomas E. Blum
Office: O-333
Office Hours: Mon 10:00, Mon 1:00, Wed 2:00, Fri 10:00
or by appointment
Phone: 215-951-1139
This is a lab-based/simulation course focusing on
the simplest components of circuit theory: resistors,
capacitors, diodes, transformers, transistors, and
logic gates. Some emphasis is placed on their role(s)
in computer electronics.
Section A: Tuesdays 6:15
Section 41: Thursdays 2:00
Olney 200
Recommended Text:
Electronics: The Easy Way, 4th edition,
R. Miller and M. R. Miller (Barron's), 2002.
The Chip, T.R. Reid, Random House, 2001. (Three
copies on reserve in the library.)
Online Books:
Instructions for Accessing Safari Tech Books
The components of the course will be weighted as follows
Tests: |
60% |
3 tests (the last test will be held during finals week) |
Homework: |
10% |
One page chapter summaries of the book The Chip.
(This is done individually.)
Labs: |
25% |
This can be done in teams of two. Any group larger than
two must seek special permission. |
Class: |
5% |
In addition,
If at any time you take information from any source
(book, website, etc.), that source should be cited.
Failing to do so may be considered plagiarism and thus
cheating. Any time you are requested to summarize a
chapter, it is expected that the summary will be in
your own words.
Plagiarism, be it from a book, a web site or a fellow student,
will be considered cheating. Copying simulation circuits is also
considered cheating.
The plus/minus grading system will be used.
Attendance will be taken.
Absences, lateness, etc. will be reflected in the class portion
of the grade. More than three unexcused absences may result in
the lowering of a grade.
Make-up tests are given at the discretion of the professor. You
have to meet with me to discuss the reason for missing the exam
and to schedule a make-up.
It is the responsibility of the students to keep copies of all
submitted materials (tests, homeworks, labs, and so on) until a
final grade is received for the course.
Ordinarily, these labs will be done in teams of two.
I reserve the right to select the teams, limit the number of labs
that can be done with a particular partner, and so on.
Unless stated otherwise, lab reports (one report per team) are due
the next class meeting which is not a test. A late penalty of 10 pts
(out of 100) will be deducted from your score for each week an
assignment is late. All partners will be held equally responsible
for turning in the completed lab on time.
Although labs are a team effort, each student is responsible
for learning all of the skills and concepts.
You are often allowed to bring in files from labs to use on the
tests. It is recommended that both partners keep a copy of all
relevant files. It might be useful to back them up. Also you should
develop a systematic naming scheme so that you can find the file
you need on the test. Any copying or exchange of files during an
exam is strictly forbidden, this will be considered cheating.
If you leave lab early (before leaving lab you must see me to show
me your progress. If you are leaving early or not working on the
labs during the lab period, it will count against you.
The homework assignments (11 of them) will consist of a summary
of a chapter in the book The Chip. This will consist of
a one-page Word document with normal margins (Top and Bottom: 1",
Left and Right 1.25") using 12-pt Times New Roman font and double
spacing (Format/Paragraph/Line Spacing: double). It must be obvious
that you have read the chapter.
Classroom Behavior:
While in the classroom, students should behave in a manner that is
neither distracting to nor disrespectful to the professor or other
students. Cell phones should be turned off.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science will be
conducting a self-study during the next four years. A part
of this process involves inviting external experts who will
review our course offerings, assessment measures, and student
work. For this reason, faculty members will keep sample
copies of students’ work including tests, homework assignments,
programming assignments, and projects. Every effort will be
made to ensure individual names are eliminated from these
“artifacts.” If you prefer not to have your work included in
this collection, please inform your instructor.
When using materials from a book, website, etc., the source must be
cited; otherwise it is considered plagiarism. Claiming another's
work as your own is cheating. A student caught cheating will receive
a score of zero. Cheating may result in a reduction of the final
grade. Repeated cheating can result in a failing grade for the course.
Asking another for help on part of a homework is acceptable; handing
in duplicate or nearly duplicate work is not. If you require a
significant amount of assitance, you should seek my help. Finally,
openly allowing your work to be copied is also cheating.