Part I: Editing  [Back to Writing Test Page]


Printed below is a passage for you to edit.  You should make sure the

passage is grammatically correct, internally consistent and readable, among

other things. Please use standard proofreading symbols to indicate any changes.



PIMS, which stands for the police infomation management system, is a

computerized data processing system that is designed to help local law

enforcement agencies in the management of their records and stopping crime.

First conceived over fifteen years ago and installed originally in 1981, the

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority created PIMS to solve the

information needs of small and medium–sized law enforcements agencies

throughout Illinois. It is currently in use at 51 state agencies.


PMIS has seven modules: arrestee, incident, officer activity, crime mapping,

statistical reporting and management reports. Each has been designed such

that they are easy to use and operate, even if users have little or no prior

experience with computers. In addition, the sysem is flexable enough to be

operated on a range of computers, from small microcomputers to the largest

mainframe CPU’s.


A major develpment for 1996 is PIMS for Windows, which will take advantage

of the friendly interfaces available thorough this systems' graphical

design. PIMS currently runs on dos-based systems.