Direct Service

Soup Kitchen
The goal of Soup Kitchen is to increase the awareness of homelessness and its effect on society while providing a means of alleviating some of that burden. Students go to St. Francis Inn to distribute food to the homeless, proving much needed aid to the area.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity seeks to promote home ownership by rehabilitating houses in southwest Germantown to provide adequate housing for families who could not otherwise afford it on their own. Habitat works in partnership with prospective homeowners and strives to keep the costs as low as possible through the use of volunteer labor and donated materials. Students who work with Habitat volunteer on Saturdays to help rebuild homes.
AIDS Outreach
AIDS Outreach serves the community by working through F.O.C.U.S. and in conjunction with the Girard Medical Center. Once a week, La Salle volunteers visit the residence section of Girard Medical Center, strengthening their relationships with the residents through various social activities. These activities are both therapeutic and educational to both the residents and the volunteers.
Elder Care
Elder Care serves the community by working through F.O.C.U.S. and in conjunction with the Philadelphia Geriatric Center. La Salle volunteers visit once a week to stimulate the minds of the residents of the Center through arts and crafts activities, games, and various intellectual activities. Students will build relationships with the people they visit, and help both generations gain understanding of one another.

For further information about how to volunteer for or participate in these programs, please contact University Ministry & Service at (215) 951-1804. You may also e-mail Becky Messa, Community Service Coordinator, at, or Louise Giugliano, Associate Director, at

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