CHEM 241-601

Organic Chemistry I

Fall Semester, 2007 Lecture Schedule


Sept. 11           Introduction, Chapter 1: Structure and Bonding, Orbital Theory, Lewis Structures, Formal Charges

Sept. 18           Chapter 1: continued; Drawing structures, Resonance

Sept. 25           Chapter 2: Polarity, Intermolecular forces, Functional groups, Infrared Spectroscopy, Quiz 1 distributed (take-home)

Oct. 2              Chapter 3: Organic Reactions and Mechanisms; Curved Arrow Formalism, Acids and Bases, Quiz 1 due

Oct. 9              Chapter 4: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes; Nomenclature, Conformational Analysis, Rings, Cyclohexane Conformations

Oct. 16            Chapter 4: continued; Chapter 5: Stereochemistry

Oct. 23            Chapter 5: continued, Exam 1 (in class)

Oct. 30            Chapter 6: Ionic Reactions; Substitution and Elimination

Nov. 6             Chapter 6: continued, Chapter 7: Alkenes; Properties, nomenclature, Preparation, Quiz 2 (in class)

Nov. 13           Chapter 8: Alkenes and Alkynes: Reactions, Synthesis

Nov. 20           Chapter 8: continued; Chapter 9: Introduction to NMR

Nov. 27           Chapter 9: continued, Exam 2 (in class)

Dec. 4              Chapter 10: Radical Reactions: Alkyl halides, Quiz 3 distributed (take-home)

Dec. 11            Quiz 3 due

Dec. 18            Final Exam