CS 152 Fall 2003                Assignment 1 – Windows 2000                                    10 points


Assigned: 09/05/2003

Due: 09/10/2003 at the start of class. 

Main Assignment:

            Part I

            Using Windows 2000 Explorer

1)      Create a folder on a floppy disk called fall2003.

2)       Create a folder inside that folder called CSC152

3)      Within that folder, create a folder named Clock

4)       Find the folder named Clock within sampledir\examples, somewhere within c:\docs probably.

5)      Copy the files ClockFrame.java and README.txt from the Clock folder to the Clock folder on your floppy disk. Be careful about which ClockFrame file you get, there are different files, look for the one with the purple icon.

6)      Question: When was README.txt last modified?

7)      Rename your copy of the file README.txt TO  DONTREADME.txt

8)      Turn in your disk, carefully labeled with your name, with the proper files in the proper places on the disk.

This is an exercise in using Windows 2000 Explorer. There are other ways to do these tasks. Be a La Sallian, use the Explorer.

            Part II

Change the background for your desktop to have a picture of a winter scene. Have one picture fill the whole screen, not just the center, and not repeated versions of the picture. Make sure you show me your environment before you log off.  This task needs to be done in the lab while I am there. Try to do it before the due date.