CS 152 Spring 2003                Assignment 5 – Microsoft Word Intermediate        10 points


Assigned: 2/28/03

Due: 03/12/03 - At start of the class period. The due date is so far away because spring break is in the middle. It’s not really that far away.



               Using Microsoft Word, create and mail merge the document shown on the first attached page. Print it with the data shown on the second attached page merged in – choosing to print for only those records with SendNow equal to Y.  Turn in the disk and the printed copies. 



1)     What I have bold and underlined is where you should merge in data. Do not make that bold and underlined in your document.

2)     To save paper, check your work as a Word document before sending to the printer.

3)     The equation must be done with the Equation editor. It does not have to be exactly the same size as my version.[1]

4)     Put your name in place of the characters “YOUR NAME HERE”.

5)     I made up the part about the equation showing that whales will be extinct by 2050. Consult a real scientist for true info :-)


The WWW version of this assignment is not able to display the equation due to limitations in turning Word into html. Please see the paper copy of the assignment.





[1] Note – the equation and its use was obtained at the www site: http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/~awhite/F14ZR1/exercise7aw.pdf. They note that this equation is actually a simplification of the actual equation.