CS 152 Spring 2006

Computer Concepts Project – Learning/Reinforcing Computer Concepts

Purpose: To build background knowledge related to computing. 

Assigned: 01/20/2006

Due: 3/15/2006 at the start of class.  (This is largely an outside-of-class effort)

Course Significance:

            10% of course grade.


               Investigate 10 computer concepts assigned to you (Each student will be assigned different concepts). For each, report:

·        What it is and/or what it means

·        Why it is important

·        To whom it is important

·        Who should know about it (what kinds of people – all computer users, developers, system administrators, large businesses, power users, game players, music lovers, etc, etc,  etc, ) (something could be important to somebody without them having to know about it. For example, in automobile users fuel injection is important for performance, but the driver can easily drive without knowing anything about it)

·        Your source.

Write up your answers in Microsoft Word, and turn in both a paper copy and an electronic copy (via e-mail, or on floppy, cd, …)


If you have any question about any of your concepts/ topics, please ask!!


I will post students’ (correct) answers on my www site, and will put several questions based on these on the final exam – so read the posted answers after I post them.