CS 157 Spring 2001

Assignment 2 –Calculations

100 points


Assigned: 01/24/2001


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring a new disk. Plan out sequence of statements needed for program.


Main Assignment:

Write a program that calculates the price per square inch for pizza from a restaurant. This will require getting 2 pieces of data from the user: the price of the pizza, and the diameter of the pizza (in inches). The task also involves performing calculations and displaying the output. The necessary information is given below.


NAME YOUR PROGRAM FILE yourlastname2.c



Sample interaction with the user:


Welcome to the Consumer Value Pizza Calculator



Please enter the price of the pizza: 10.50


Please enter the diameter of the pizza (in inches): 16



      Diameter:    16    Radius:   8.00    Area:  201.06    Price:    10.50


      The Cost Per Square Inch Is:   0.052



     1) Listing (print out) of the program file.

     2) Disk with: program file (yourlastname2.c) and executable file ( .exe file – probably found in Debug folder inside project folder).


Due: 01/31/2001



                To avoid having to use the math library, define pi as a constant equal to 3.1415


Please try to make the output of your program like mine, to aid my grading.


MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAM WORKS! (i.e. more than just removing compile errors).


Put YOUR NAME, and e-mail address in comments at the beginning of the program.


You MUST include comments that explain your program in order to get full credit.


Note that you may need to follow instructions under “Saving Space” when creating the project if you are using a floppy.