CS 157 Spring 2001

Assignment 2 – More Getting Started

50 points


Assigned: 01/25/2001

Due: 01/31/2001 (at the start of class – as will be the normal case)


Main Assignment:


                Write a  program that will interact with the user, asking for their name, age and major, and replying each time with a friendly reply (as shown below). We will be talking about some things at the beginning of lab that will allow you to do some of the output (The name, age, and major are taken from the input and put into the output). Put Your name in comments near the top (enclosed in /* Your Name */).  You will need the SavitchIn.java file (still obtainable from my WWW page  - or from last week).  Compile the program and remove any errors. Ensure that the program runs correctly. It should run on any inputs (that shouldn’t be a problem with this straightforward a program).


Sample Interaction:


What is your name?

Hi Fred Durst

How Old Are You?

30 is not really that old

What is your major?

Music is fascinating


Hand in: